Building an equal-weight S&P 600 index fund

Load the list of S&P 600 companies from Wikepedia

The S&P 600 is an index of small-cap company stocks created by Standard & Poor’s, selected by a committee based on recent profitability and other factors.

Currently there are 3 S&P Small Cap 600 ETFs traded on the U.S. markets, the largest one is iShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Value ETF IJS with around 7.09 Billon USD in assets.

The goal of this section is trying to create an index fund following the instruction on, with this fund it tells how many shares of each S&P 600 constituent you should purchase to get an equal-weight version of the index fund.

# Get the list of S&P 600 stocks from Wikepedia
import pandas as pd

def load_data(url):
    html = pd.read_html(url, header=0)
    return html

# Load the list of S&P 600 companies
url = ''
df = load_data(url)[0]

SymbolCompanyGICS SectorGICS Sub-IndustryHeadquarters LocationSEC filingsCIK
0AAONAAON, Inc.IndustrialsBuilding ProductsTulsa, Oklahomaview824142
1AAPAdvance Auto Parts, Inc.Consumer DiscretionaryAutomotive RetailRaleigh, North Carolinaview1158449
2AATAmerican Assets TrustReal EstateDiversified REITsSan Diego, Californiaview1500217
3ABCBAmeris BancorpFinancialsRegional BanksAtlanta, Georgiaview351569
4ABGAsbury Automotive GroupConsumer DiscretionaryAutomotive RetailDuluth, Georgiaview1144980

Retrieve the latest stock price using yfinance

We retrieve the latest day’s stock price using yfinance.

import yfinance as yf
import warnings

data =
            # tickers list
            tickers = list(df['Symbol']),
            # valid periods: 1d, 5d, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo, 1y, 5y, 10y, ytd, max
            period = '1d',
            # valid intervals: 1m, 2m, 5m, 15m, 15m, 30m, 60m, 90m, 1h, 1d, 5d, 1wk, 1mo, 3mo
            interval = '1d',
            # group by ticker
            group_by = 'ticker',
            # adjust all OHLC automatically
            auto_adjust = True,
            # download pre/post regular market hours data
            prepost = True,
            # use threads for mass downloading
            threads = True,
            # proxy URL scheme when downloading
            proxy = None
[*********************100%%**********************]  602 of 602 completed

2 Failed downloads:
['MOG.A', 'CWEN.A']: Exception('%ticker%: No data found, symbol may be delisted')


Buid the index fund

In this section, I will use the closing price of the latest day as the price of each stock, and based on this price to build an equal-weight index fund by calculate how much shares to buy.

# Get the available tickers
tickers_unavailable = ['MOG.A', 'CWEN.A']
tickers = [ticker for ticker in list(df['Symbol']) if ticker not in tickers_unavailable]
print('Number of available tickers: ', len(tickers))
Number of available tickers:  600
# Create the format of the dataframe that stores the stock price, market cap and number of shares to buy
my_columns = ['Ticker', 'Price','Market Capitalization', 'Number Of Shares to Buy']
final_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(columns = my_columns)

TickerPriceMarket CapitalizationNumber Of Shares to Buy
# Input the value of the portforlio, i.e. example here is 10M USD

portfolio_size = input("Enter the value of your portfolio:")

    val = float(portfolio_size)
except ValueError:
    print("That's not a number! \n Try again:")
    portfolio_size = input("Enter the value of your portfolio:")
Enter the value of your portfolio:10000000
# Calculate the number of shares to buy
import math
position_size = float(portfolio_size) / len(tickers)
for i in range(0,len(tickers)):
    ticker = tickers[i]
    final_dataframe = final_dataframe.append(
                data[ticker]['Close'].item() * data[ticker]['Volume'].item(),
                math.floor(position_size / data[ticker]['Close'].item())
                index = my_columns),
                ignore_index = True)

TickerPriceMarket CapitalizationNumber Of Shares to Buy

Save the output in Excel using XlsxWriter

# Initiate the XlsxWriter object, save the output in xlsx format.
import xlsxwriter

writer = pd.ExcelWriter('recommended trades.xlsx', engine = 'xlsxwriter')
final_dataframe.to_excel(writer, 'Recommended Trades', index = False)

Create the formats:

  • String format for tickers
  • $xx.xx format for stock prices
  • $xx,xxx for market capitalization
  • Integer format for the number of shares to buy
background_color = '#0a0a23'
font_color = '#ffffff'

string_format =
            'font_color': font_color,
            'bg_color': background_color,
            'border': 1

dollar_format =
            'font_color': font_color,
            'bg_color': background_color,
            'border': 1

capital_format =
            'font_color': font_color,
            'bg_color': background_color,
            'border': 1

integer_format =
            'font_color': font_color,
            'bg_color': background_color,
            'border': 1

percent_format =
            'font_color': font_color,
            'bg_color': background_color,
            'border': 1
# Apply the formats to the columns of the output file
column_formats = {
    'A': ['Ticker', string_format],
    'B': ['Stock Price', dollar_format],
    'C': ['Market Capitalization', capital_format],
    'D': ['Number of Shares to Buy', integer_format],

for column in column_formats.keys():
    writer.sheets['Recommended Trades'].set_column(f'{column}:{column}', 18, column_formats[column][1])
    writer.sheets['Recommended Trades'].write(f'{column}1', column_formats[column][0], string_format)
# Save the output

Author: wenvenn
Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint policy. If reproduced, please indicate source wenvenn !