  Visualization Projects
Travelling map visualized using Apache ECharts and Google Map
Scrape Finland fiber network availability via Lounea's (www.lounea.fi) and Valoo's (www.valoo.fi) official website and visualize them using Python Folium.
Population density grid map is useful for several business cases, this project uses population density data from stat.fi and visualize it using Python Folium.
  Machine Learning Projects
The project is trying to analyze hotel booking demand dataset which contains the booking information for City Hotel and Resort Hotel from 2015 to 2017 and make prediction about the future hotel cancellation.
The project is trying to analyze the credit card fraud dataset which contains anonymized credit card transactions labeled as fraudulent or geniune and make fraud detection.
Pyecharts is a Python Echarts plotting library with 30+ kinds of charts. This gallary contains several interactive visualizations using Pyecharts.
This cheat cheets contains the basic operations by using SQL.
Seaborn is a great Python data visualization library based on matplotlib. It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive and informative statistical graphics.