Three-dimensional function visualization using contour plots

Contours or color-coded regions could be useful to visualize three-dimensional data in two dimensions. Matplotlib provides several functions for this task: contour for contour plots, contourf for filled countour plots

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'seaborn-whitegrid')
import warnings

Line-only countour plot

# define a three-dimensional function
def f(x,y):
    return np.sin(x)**10 + np.cos(10+y*x)*np.cos(x)
# generate three grids of x,y,z values
x = np.linspace(0,5,50)
y = np.linspace(0,5,40)

X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
Z = f(X,Y)

# plot a standard line-only contour
plt.contour(X,Y,Z, color='black')
<matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet at 0x1ac793fff90>

Line-only countour plot

Single-color countour

A colormap using cmap argument could be used to specify color-coded lines.

plt.contour(X,Y,Z, 20, cmap='RdGy')
<matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet at 0x1ac79caf990>

Single-color countour

Filled ountour plot with contourf

colorbar is used to create an additional axis with labeled color information for the plot.

plt.contourf(X,Y,Z, 20, cmap='RdGy')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1ac79470350>

Filled ountour plot

# enable countinuous color step
plt.imshow(Z, extent=[0,5,0,5], origin='lower', cmap='RdGy', interpolation='gaussian', aspect='equal')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1ac7954fdd0>

Filled ountour plot  with Gaussian interpolation

# use another interpolation method
plt.imshow(Z, extent=[0,5,0,5], origin='lower', cmap='RdGy', interpolation='hermite', aspect='equal')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1ac7e87bf50>

Filled ountour plot with Hermite interpolation


Python Data Science Handbook - Jake VanderPlas

Author: wenvenn
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